Key Achievements in 2014
11,142 orphans and vulnerable children (OVC's) were provided with medical care and treatment for primary health in the Nurture Africa Health Centre
2188 children immunised at Nurture Africa and partner health centres.
1,244 HIV infected children and parents/guardians received lifesaving anti-HIV medication (ARV's) on a monthly basis and in doing so regained their health through the Nurture Africa HIV Health care Project
2,478 Community healthcare home visits were conducted to clients on the HIV healthcare project
931 HIV counselled and tested people from MARPS (most at risk population) reffered and enrolled on HIV treatment and care and Nurture Africa and partner health centres.
510 male were safely circumcised in order to reduce the risk of HIV transmission
883 of 970 Guardians who received business start-up loans from 2011 - 2014 are maintaining their business and earning an average income of €16 per week
921 of 970 Guardians who received business start-up loans from 2011 - 2014 are ably accessing 3 meals per day for their families and meeting other basic requirement (shelter and clothing)
Over 1,000 Primary School students' education was supported
368 of the 669 orphans & vulnerable children who sat primary school leaving examinations in 2014 attained a grade 2.
Improved education of all stakeholders resulted in a 5.5% increase in orphans and vulnerable children taking lunch in Government aided schools.
Advocacy & Child Protection
92 of 102 reported cases of child abuse were successfully concluded in accordance to standards stipulated in Uganda's Children's Act 2004
52% reduction in corporal punishment in 19 schools as a result of capacity building workshops in positive disciplinary measures
Succeeded in advocating for the Child Protection Policy for Wakiso district through the District OVC Committee and District Social Services
Succeded in advocating for quick hearing in all rape and defilement cases in three magistrate courts
The Human Rights Commission for Wakiso & Mubende Districts reactivated
Succeeded in advocating for more youth-friendly facilities in 7 Government health centre which resulted in increase sexual and reproductive health awareness in these centres.
Succeeded in advocating for all health centre managers in all health centres in Wakiso to mainstream integrated Youth work plans and having specially designated ART (Anti-retroviral therapy) and Sexual and Reproductive health days for service provision in these health centres.
Suceeded in advocating for the formulation of the District Sexual and Reproductive Rights Strategic plan 2014/15 which was approved by the health management committees