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Nurture Africa Disability Centre


In partnership with UCDVO (Unversity College Dublin, Volunteer Overseas) the Nurture Africa Disability Centre was established in Nansana in 2015 and stands on the same site as the Nurture Africa health centre.

Researched conducted on experiences, beliefs and attitudes of the guardians of children with disabilities in Uganda evidenced that a lack of access to education about disability amongst carers in Uganda results in stigma, erroneous beliefs, and unrealistic hopes going unaddressed.

On foot of these findings and both Nurture Africa & UCDVO support of  the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which highlight how children with disabilities have the same rights as other children the cause and call for intervention was necessary.


Currently, 145 children living with disabilities and their parents/guardians are being supported by staff within the Nurture Africa Disability Centre. 

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