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Healthcare Project COVID-19 Response
Food Distribution

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented challenges in many different forms for people throughout the world. Lockdown measures in Uganda included the suspension of public transport as a means to control the spead of the disease. This has curtailed many peoples only means of transport, affecting their ability to access services and earn a living.

For families supported by Nurture Africa, challenges have ranged from the inability of people living with HIV to access their care and medication to the temporary closure of businesses, limiting parents/guardians ability to earn an income and provide for their familes.

During the month of May, Nurture Africa commenced the distribution of food packs as a means to provide for all families who have a child living with a disability and who accesses her/his treatment and care at the Nurture Africa Physiotherapy Clinic.

In total, 238 families were provided with nutritional support up to the point when restrictions were eased and parents/guardians could once again return to their respective business, generate an income and once again provide for their family 

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