Community Health Care
The Nurture Africa Health Centre provides quality specialist treatment to HIV infected children & parents/ guardians as well as free primary healthcare treatment to orphans and vulnerable children in Wakiso District, Uganda.
In 2019 the Nurture Africa Health Centre provided:
Primary health care treatment to 15,000 orphans and vulnerable children. This treatment will mainly be for the biggest killers to under- 5 year olds in Africa, including malaria, pneumonia, diarrhea and measles.
700 HIV+ children and 700 HIV infected guardians will also access care, treatment and counselling support in the health centre.
Nurture Africa directly supports the
educational needs of over 6000 children in all levels of education (although the majority in Primary School education) in Uganda in both formaland non-formal settings. We are using a "Whole School" approach to educational support with Government schools, in which we are working with all stakeholders who impact upon a child's education (local government, parents, all school staff and the children themselves) in order to provide a better quality of education for all children attending these schools as well as upskilling teaching staff.
Sustainable Livelihoods
Sustainability is the key to development. Nurture Africa does not believe in hand-outs. Instead we empower parents/guardians to help themselves. Guardians of the children from our HIV Community and Education Enablement Projects are given training on how to start or develop an income generating activity. The guardian is also given a micro finance loan in order to make their family self- sufficient and break the cycle of poverty that exists in their own lives.
In 2017, a total of 550 parents/guardians, adolescent girls and unemployed youth were be supported through this project.
Child Rights &
Gender Equality
Nurture Africa works to protect and promote Child Rights & Gender Equality. Defilement is the most common crime committed against children standing at 57.7% for all reported child abuse cases (ANPPCAN 2009). Corporal punishment is tolerated and practiced in nearly all school in Uganda.
We provide training to community stakeholders in order to support them in recognising signs of abuse and how to reporting. From 2011 - 2020 we have trained 68,329 children, parents/ guardians & school staff on the Rights of the Child. 58 schools have also developed their own Child Protection Policy
Nurture Africa believes that any child that is verbally, physically or sexually abused has the right to justice. We therefore ensure that every reported child abuse case is adequately followed up in the community until justice is achieved. Nurture Africa has provided health, psychosocial and legal support to 2,329 victims of abuse or gender based violence.