Walk or Run for Nurture Africa

Over the past 10 years, teams of women have supported Nurture Africa's cause by committing themselves to take part in the Women's Mini-Marathon. Witnessing our own supporters amongst 25,000 incredible women each year is a truly inspiring experience!
This year, we wanted to make our impact a little extra special! We are asking all our female supporters...
Are up for the challenge in supporting access to healthcare for women & girls in Uganda?
Good health is the building block upon which Nurture Africa supports families to support themselves..... Enabling children to go to school and for parents to establish and maintain income genaration through business supported by Nurture Africa; which will help to create a brighter future for themselves.
By joining Team Nurture Africa, your fundraising will enable us to provide greater access to healthcare for women and girls, empowering them to control their own destiny.
We need you to support us in enabling this campaign to make a real difference! Please sign up today