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The physical, psychosocial and financial support has enabled me to make my dreams come true...

Nalunga Mary

This blog edition focuses upon a true success story of overseas development. Working in partnership with individual families and providing them with the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty that exists in their lives. This is not "charity" nor a hand-out. This is empowering those without the means to start, with a guiding and helping hand to regain control of their own destiny. For Nalunga Mary, it was an opportunity she grasped with both hands. Her story is typical of the traits that parents and guardians supported by our programmes display to us on a daily basis..... determination, resilience and hope!

"I am a single mother of three children and I live in Wakiso District in Uganda. Looking back, my husband was ill for quite some time and eventually he passed on. I then discovered that he had died as a result of HIV/AIDS.

After 7 months had passed, my own health was not good and I tested for HIV. Unfortunately, I tested positive. My psychological trauma was too great and I suffered a lot due to the stigma attached with being HIV+. Life became very hard to the extent that I could not even take care of my family in terms of providing food, clothes and school fees to my children.

Fortunately, Nurture Africa enrolled me on its HIV Healthcare programme. This gave me access to treatment, medicine and regular counselling that helped me to improve psychosocially. I also learned the things that I needed to do to ensure that I remained in good health.

Nurture Africa then provided me with access to its Sustainable Livelihoods Project, which gave me access to be trained in loan and business management where I was given a loan of 220,000 shillings (€65) as start-up capital and I was able to start up a business of selling second hand clothes. Within a period of 6 Months, as well as repaying my loan, I had made bank savings totalling to 395,000 shillings (€115), My business boosted greatly and now children are at school and my children and I are now able to have a well-balanced diet.

Nalunga Mary Sustainable Livelihoods.jpg

Upon completing the payments of my 1st cycle loan, I was given 500,000 shillings (€150) as 2nd cycle, which helped me to open-up another business, that you can see in the picture, selling soft drinks, bread and eggs. These businesses have helped me to further my children’s education and pay house rent. I am now repaying this loan and saving more money in the bank in order to provide for all of my families needs.

The physical, psychosocial and financial support has enabled me to make my dreams come true. For this, I really thank Nurture Africa and its supporters.

May God bless Nurture Africa."

- Nalunga Mary

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